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What do you think of when you hear about GMOs or genetically modified organisms? Giant corn? Plump chickens? Or other types of genetic modification? Well, GMOs have received a bad reputation recently from people worried about the side effects we could get from consuming them. The truth is GMOs aren't necessarily harmful, as they can be instrumental in producing more food, nutrients, and life-saving medical products such as insulin!
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenWhat do you think of when you hear about GMOs or genetically modified organisms? Giant corn? Plump chickens? Or other types of genetic modification? Well, GMOs have received a bad reputation recently from people worried about the side effects we could get from consuming them. The truth is GMOs aren't necessarily harmful, as they can be instrumental in producing more food, nutrients, and life-saving medical products such as insulin!
In the following article, we will cover how bacteria are genetically modified in nature and humans for general lab applications. We will also be going over the purpose of bacterial transformation and the protocol surrounding it.
Overall, we aim to facilitate a greater understanding of how bacteria change.
Bacterial transformation can occur in either nature or by genetically modifying bacteria in labs.
Bacterial transformation is the process or steps bacteria take in uptaking foreign DNA from their surroundings.
Figure 1: Genetic modification example shown. Daniela Lin, StudySmarter Originals.
Figure 1 shows an example of what genetic modification can do. You might be wondering where we get the insect resistance gene copy from. Well, we get it from bacteria! We will elaborate on this more in-depth later in this article (under bacterial applications). Just understand that bacterial transformation can involve genetic modification on our part.
Although there are multiple techniques for genetic modification, they all generally involve deleting, adding, or turning off/on specific gene functions to give us desired traits in an organism.
As explained above, transformation is the genetic change of a bacteria by the uptake of foreign DNA from the environment. Transformation can occur in nature but is rare and limited to certain bacteria.
Competent bacteria can easily take up foreign DNA from their surroundings.
On top of having chromosomal DNA, bacteria can also have plasmids. Plasmids are tiny, circular pieces of DNA that can be copied and transferred from bacteria to bacteria. Plasmids can also occur naturally in bacteria. Plasmids are the most common way scientists genetically modify bacteria as plasmids contain DNA sequences that can be edited in the lab.
Figure 2: How bacterial transformation can occur. Daniela Lin, StudySmarter Originals.
Figure 2 illustrates that when competent bacteria uptake foreign DNA from either their environment or other bacteria, the foreign DNA can either be 1) incorporated into the genome or chromosomal DNA or 2) incorporated into a plasmid. In nature, bacteria can transfer DNA using pili or a hairlike appendage; this process is called bacterial conjugation.
For more information on genetic transfer, please head to our article on Horizontal Gene Transfer.
The typical steps involved in bacteria transformation in the lab are:
1. Desired colonies of bacteria are mixed with plasmids. These plasmids have been genetically modified to act as vectors.
2. We heat shock or electroporate bacteria to make them take up the plasmid. Heat shock or electroporation works because they both make the membrane more permeable to the plasmids by opening up the pores. (1)
3. We select bacteria that contain plasmids by putting them on antibiotic plates.
4. We need to check colonies to identify which ones have the perfect plasmids. Once we do that, we can grow this colony and use it for protein or plasmid production.
All steps 1-4 are illustrated in Figure 3 shown below for reference.
Figure 3: Transforming bacteria in the lab illustrated. Daniela Lin, StudySmarter Originals
So far, we've gone over bacterial transformation and how it relates to genetic modification. We've also looked at how bacteria transformation occurs 1) naturally and 2) in the lab. Now we can go over a diagram of how bacteria transformation was first discovered to understand the concept further.
Frederick Griffith first discovered the fact that bacteria could transform. He was the first to demonstrate that DNA could be horizontally transferred between organisms of the same generation instead of vertically (from parent to offspring). (2)
Griffith was working with two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a bacterium responsible for pneumonia. (2)
He performed the following experiments, which are shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4: Griffith's transformation experiments illustrated. Daniela Lin, StudySmarter Originals.
Griffith concluded that something had transferred from the heat-killed strain S to the live strain R. Today, this is known as Griffith's transformation principle or bacterial transformation.
Other notable contributions include Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty, who discovered that DNA was the culprit behind the possibility of bacterial transformation and not RNA.
The purpose of bacterial transformation in nature is to provide genetic diversity for bacterial cells allowing them to better adapt to a changing environment. Bacteria don't sexually reproduce, they asexually reproduce through binary fission.
Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where a parent cell splits in half, making two identical daughter cells.
After understanding the purpose of transforming bacteria, we can now go over some of the applications in detail mentioned above.
Researchers at Synlogic selected three genes that helped convert phenylalanine into a safer compound called phenylpyruvate. This is because as long as phenylalanine levels are low, PKU patients remain fine. Researchers also ensured safety precautions by deleting a gene essential for producing an ingredient that kept SYNB1618 alive. This meant it would die if they didn't supply SYNB1618 with this ingredient. Scientists confirmed this by testing it in mice and observing that within 48 hours, the designer bacteria would be dead if they didn't provide the vital element. Other safety precautions scientists took included using all bacteria native to human microbial guts to ensure the safety of patients. As there can be a host of problems associated with microbiome imbalance! (3)
Bacterial transformation is the process, or steps bacteria take in foreign DNA from their surroundings.
Bacteria transformation involves foreign DNA being horizontally transferred between bacterial cells instead of vertically from parent to offspring.
Transformation in bacteria involves the uptake of foreign DNA or the transfer of foreign DNA between cells.
Bacterial transformation demonstrates that DNA can move horizontally from one bacteria to another and remain functional, as first shown by Frederick Griffith.
In nature, the steps are simpler in that bacteria just uptake foreign DNA from the environment. When compared to in the lab where we 1) mix desired colonies of bacteria are mixed with plasmids, 2) heat shock/electroporate bacteria to make them take the plasmid, 3) select for bacteria with plasmids using antibiotic plates, and 4) check for the correct plasmids and grow them for protein or plasmid production.
Flashcards in Bacterial Transformation18
Start learningWhat is bacterial transformation?
Bacterial transformation is the process, or steps bacteria take in foreign DNA from their surroundings.
What did Frederick Griffith observe with his experiments?
He found that when he injected mice with a live strain S, they died since the strain was virulent.
What was the problem in Frederick Griffith's experiments?
The mice died when he injected them with a mix of live strain R and a heat-killed strain S. Curious, he isolated live bacteria from these dead mice and found that there was only strain S of bacteria! He injected this isolated S strain into live mice to confirm that they had died!
What were Griffith's conclusions?
Griffith concluded that something had transferred from the heat-killed strain S to the live strain R. Today, this is known as Griffith's transformation principle or bacterial transformation.
What is the purpose of bacterial transformation in nature?
The purpose of bacterial transformation in nature is to provide genetic diversity for bacterial cells allowing them to better adapt to a changing environment. Bacteria don't sexually reproduce; they asexually reproduce through binary fission.
What are reasons we perform bacterial transformation in the lab?
gene therapy
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