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Darwin’s finches still exist and are a group of small songbirds endemic to the Galapagos Islands. Because of the variation in their beak shape and size, they are a classic example of how evolution happens through natural selection. In this article, we will discuss Darwin’s observations on the Galapagos finches and how they helped inform the theory of evolution by natural selection.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenDarwin’s finches still exist and are a group of small songbirds endemic to the Galapagos Islands. Because of the variation in their beak shape and size, they are a classic example of how evolution happens through natural selection. In this article, we will discuss Darwin’s observations on the Galapagos finches and how they helped inform the theory of evolution by natural selection.
From 1831 to 1836, Charles Darwin embarked on a voyage on the H.M.S Beagle, a ship that departed from Plymouth, in England and travelled around the world for five years. The mission of the H.M.S Beagle was to survey the South American coastline. Although he was hired as a geologist, Darwin spent a lot of time observing and collecting animals, plants, and fossils.
Fig. 1. Blue-footed booby from the Galapagos Islands. Source: Unsplash
After the five years of the voyage, the Beagle stopped over at the Galapagos Islands, a group of volcanic islands 900 km west of South America. The Galapagos Islands are home to diverse, endemic animal life, including blue-footed boobies, giant land tortoises, and the Galapagos finches. The differences between the finches led him to question the idea that species were static, as was the belief in his time. In other words, they planted the seed that would lead to the theory of evolution.
Before Darwin published his theory of evolution, people believed that the different species of plants and animals present in the world were independent of each other, not connected through a big phylogenetic tree. Now we know that we can trace all organisms on Earth back to the "Last Universal Common Ancestor" (LUCA).
Additionally, people thought that species hadn't changed since the moment of their creation, i.e. evolution was not a concept that they considered.
During his travels and research, he kept a diary of his observations. Later he would revise his notes and write The Origin of Species where he details his famous theory of evolution by natural selection.
While in the Galapagos Islands, Darwin noticed that organisms were similar from island to island but had certain features that distinguished them from each other. Finches, in particular, caught Darwin’s attention. He found that over a dozen species of finches inhabited the islands. In particular, Darwin noticed that the beak shape of the finches varied among the different species on the islands.
Darwin attributed the unique beak shapes to the food sources available in their specific environment. Looking at the diagram below, you can see four species that are part of the group of Darwin's finches.
Each of these species' beak has a different shape and size:
As you can see, the distinct beak shape and size give each species a higher chance of survival in their niche. The connection between the food source and the physical characteristics of the birds (their phenotype) was the first clue for Darwin that species can indeed adapt, and that the individuals with the best adaptations will be most likely to survive and pass these traits onto their offspring.
Traits and behaviours that help organisms survive and reproduce are called adaptations. Darwin noted that the finches’ beak shapes were adaptations that helped them obtain food in their habitat. By explaining how these unique finch species came to be, Darwin was able to formulate his theory of evolution by natural selection.
There are 14 species of Darwin's finches, 13 of which live on the Galapagos Islands. The missing species, Pinaroloxias inornata or Cocos finch, lives in Costa Rica.
Since Darwin last saw them, some of Darwin's finches have become endangered, like many other species on Earth. In particular, Geospiza heliobates and Geospiza pauper are critically endangered, and Geospiza psittacula, Geospiza pallida, and Certhidea olivacea are considered vulnerable.
Here's a short activity you can do to understand how different beak shapes (like the ones in the different species of Darwin's finches) are adapted to collect specific food types.
Food sources, like sunflower seeds, grapes, hard-boiled eggs, and yoghurt
Tools: a toothpick, a pair of tweezers, a spatula, and a fork
Paper plates
Fill a plate with sunflower seeds. This plate will be called Plate A.
Leave Plate B empty.
For 30 seconds, try to transfer as much content from Plate A to Plate B using each tool.
Weigh Plate B and write in the table below how much you were able to transfer.
Repeat the process for each of the food sources and use every tool for each one.
Toothpick | Tweezers | Spatula | Fork | |
Sunflower seeds | ||||
Grapes | ||||
Hard-boiled eggs | ||||
Yoghurt |
Table 1. Weight of Plate B (g).
What tool was the best for collecting sunflower seeds? And what about the grapes, hard-boiled eggs, and yoghurt? Why?
What tool was the worst for collecting each of the food sources? Why?
How would you relate this activity to the finches' beak shapes as adaptations?
Can you imagine having to pick tiny seeds, like chia seeds, with a big beak like that of a tucan?
What do you think would happen to finches with beak shapes that are unsuitable for the available food source? How about finches with the most suitable beak shapes?
Are you able to compete at your full potential when you haven't had a proper breakfast?
Darwin theorized that all of the different finch species on the Galapagos Islands came from one parent species (a common ancestor) that first colonized the islands millions of years ago. Darwin explained that, as populations of the parent species spread from one uninhabited island to the next, they adapted to different ecological niches and rapidly evolved into many descendant species. In other words, Darwin thought that the finches had adapted to their environment, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction.
Evolution is the gradual and cumulative change in heritable traits of a population of organisms. This change takes place over the course of several generations. Evolution is driven by natural selection.
Natural selection is the evolutionary process by which the individuals with the traits that are most advantageous for a given environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Those traits are therefore more likely to be passed on to the next generation and become more frequent with time.
Darwin's finches were one of the clues for Darwin that species were not static, but that they could actually evolve.
In any habitat, resources are limited, so organisms have to compete to survive. Organisms with better-suited traits have a higher chance of survival.
For example, there is an area in the Galapagos Islands where cactuses are the most viable food source. What beak shape do you think would be more favourable for the survival of finches in this area: broad, blunt beaks or long, pointed beaks?
Finches with long, pointed beaks have a higher chance of survival because their beaks allow them to probe the cactus flowers and fruits without being pricked by cactus spines.
Because they have a higher chance of survival, organisms with favourable traits can also reproduce and pass on these traits. Darwin called this the process of natural selection, which is more popularly known as "the survival of the fittest.” Natural selection is the process where organisms with better traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of those traits.
This means that organisms with favourable traits will outnumber those with less favourable traits in the succeeding generation. Over time, species with better adaptations to their habitat are formed. This is how natural selection leads to evolution. If enough differences accumulate between an original species and the members of that species after many generations exposed to natural selection, a new species can form.
Speciation is the process where a new species is formed in the course of evolution.
A species is a group of organisms that can breed with each other and produce fertile offspring. In that group of organisms, there can be phenotypic variation (different observable traits), but a new species is only formed when the differences are so big that the organisms will not be able to reproduce with each other.
The number of different species of finches in the Galapagos Islands presents an interesting case because speciation tends to produce only one new species from a parent species over a long period. However, the Galapagos finches underwent a burst of evolution, producing a large number of different descendant species in a relatively short time. This is a type of speciation called adaptive radiation.
Adaptive radiation is the process by which a single species rapidly evolves into many species adapted to different ecological niches or the role that a species plays in a habitat.
To illustrate how adaptive radiation might have taken place:
Let’s say Finch Population A occupies one area.
Over time, Finch Population A adapts to its new environment and becomes different from its parent species.
Finch Population B from the same parent species enters the same area and competes with Finch Population A.
There is pressure on both Populations A and B to adapt to different niches (different roles, like feeding from different nutrient sources or living in different types of trees).
They pass on traits suited to each niche.
When this process happens several times in one area, several new species may be formed from a single parent species in a short period.
This explains how over a dozen different finch species evolved from one parent species in a relatively short time in the Galapagos Islands (Fig. 2).
Fig. 3. A diagram showing how a parent species of finch rapidly formed several new species of finch with different beak shapes and feeding habits
Darwin's discovery that different species of Galapagos finch had unique beak shapes adapted to the food sources available in their specific habitats led to the idea that life forms are not perfect and unchanging. Instead, they were changing over time in response to their environment, i.e. they were evolving. Such changes manifest in observable traits, such as the beak shapes of Galapagos finches.
Based on his findings during the Beagle Voyage, Darwin argued that traits change in a population because individuals that inherit traits that are better adapted to the environment have better chances of survival and reproduction; thus, these traits have better representation in succeeding generations. These insights became the foundation for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.
Another key insight that Darwin had drawn from his observations is the process of adaptive radiation. Morphological similarities among the species of Galapagos finches led him to believe that they all descended from a common ancestor but rapidly diversified and speciated because each population adapted to a different ecological niche.
In summary, the discovery of the different beak shapes in Darwin's finches led Darwin to conceptualise the following key concepts in biology and environmental science today:
As you can see, Darwin's finches allowed the famous biologist to develop his groundbreaking theory of evolution, so their significance is incalculable.
Charles Darwin’s observations on the Galapagos Finches led to the formulation of his theory of evolution by natural selection.
Darwin observed that the different finch species on the Galapagos Islands each had unique beak shapes. He noticed that their beak shapes were suited to the food available in their habitat.
Darwin theorized that organisms with better traits have a higher chance of survival and reproduction; they can pass on these traits to the next generation. He called this natural selection.
Over time, species with better adaptations to their habitat are formed. This is why natural selection is the mechanism for adaptive radiation.
The different species of Darwin's finches descended from one common ancestor. Populations of the same ancestor species colonized different ecological niches. Over time, species with specific traits adapted to their specific habitat were formed.
Darwin's finches are significant because his discovery that different species of finch had unique beak shapes adapted to their specific habitats became the foundation for his theory of evolution by natural selection.
Yes, Darwin's finches consist of over a dozen species of finch.
The ancestor population of Darwin's finches colonized different ecological niches and underwent a burst of evolution, producing a large number of different descendant species in a relatively short period of time. This is a type of speciation called adaptive radiation.
Darwin's finches are important because his discovery that different species of finch had unique beak shapes adapted to their specific habitats became the foundation for his theory of evolution by natural selection.
Flashcards in Darwins Finches17
Start learningWhat did the different beak shapes among Darwin's finches imply?
The different beak shapes among Darwin's finches implied that the different populations of finch adapted to the food available in their specific environments. A long, pointed beak was an advantage to insect-eating finches and a broad, blunt beak was an advantage to seed-eating finches.
How did Darwin's finches adapt to their environment?
The beak shape and feeding habits of different Galapagos finch populations changed over the course of several generations according to the demands of its specific environment.
What is an ecological niche?
An ecological niche is a role that a species plays in a habitat.
What did the similarities among Darwin's finches imply?
The similarities among Darwin's finches implied that they were closely related species and that they likely had the same ancestry.
What did Darwin notice about the Galapagos Finches?
Darwin noticed that although the Galapagos were similar in size and color, their beak shapes were different.
What was the most important distinguishing feature of Darwin's finches?
Their beaks
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